Joel Osteen Praying for Paris Hilton Amidst Paris, France Riots, Prioritizing Personal Gain

Televangelist Joel Osteen has once again captivated audiences with his extraordinary ability to prioritize personal gain over genuine empathy. In response to the Paris riots, Osteen has generously offered his prayers to Paris Hilton, citing the fact that only American donors have ever supported him financially.

“I believe in the power of prayer, and when it comes to the Paris riots, well, let’s just say that Paris Hilton needs all the divine intervention she can get! Besides, only Americans have ever donated to my ministry, so why should I care about those French folks?

It is truly heartwarming to witness Osteen’s unwavering dedication to his American fan base. After all, why should he concern himself with global events when his primary goal is to cater to those who have filled his coffers?

One can only imagine the sense of relief Paris Hilton must feel knowing that Osteen, in his infinite wisdom, has chosen her as the recipient of his divine supplications. Surely, her troubles will vanish overnight, thanks to the power of his prayers.

As for the rest of the world, well, they will have to find solace elsewhere. Osteen’s selective prayers remind us that empathy has its limits, especially when financial contributions are at stake.

In times of global turmoil, it is comforting to know that there are spiritual leaders like Osteen, who will tirelessly focus their attention on the issues that truly matter—preferably those that directly benefit their own interests.

With Osteen leading the way, let us all bask in the assurance that our prayers will be answered as long as our wallets are open wide enough.

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